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  • 30/03/2023 12:54 PM | Anonymous

    CUFCA has completed its AGM for the 2022 year and our minutes will be made available in our members only section. Next year will be the 40th Anniversary of CUFCA in the SPF Market.  We will have great things to share in the coming months.

  • 09/02/2023 5:14 PM | Anonymous

    CUFCA is pleased to announce that its downsizing is complete. We have moved from 3200 Wharton Way to 3202 Wharton Way.  Changing economics and facility costs in the GTA have given us reason to tighten up the ship and reduce our footprint.  We are pleased with the new space and our new course facility is going to work well for our stakeholders.

About us

We are a national, membership-based organization dedicated to promoting the highest levels of professionalism and quality in the installation of spray applied urethane foam insulation.

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Join with other concerned advocates and stakeholders  who want to make a difference in the field of energy efficiency and performance in our built environments.

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