Spray Foam 101

There is a great deal of erroneous information that floats around the internet these days. The problem for anyone seeking good information on which to make informed decisions on the use of spray foam is challenging.  Well you have come to the right place.  CUFCA has a 40 year history of providing unbiased information on spray foam to all interested parties. 

We are here to assist you so that you can learn from a truly unbiased and independent source. 

If you are new the the field of Spray Applied Urethane Foam Insulation products, there is much to understand about the various products that are marketed today.

Firstly, you need to understand that all of the products that are manufactured and sold will be possibly subject to use in applications that will be required to meet local building codes IF you are building new homes or substantially renovating existing homes with building permits.  CODES will differ Globally, Nationally, and regionally. You should always consult with your local code officials or Building Departments to ensure  you are using a product correctly for an intended application.

In Canada, our Industry has been on the leading edge of the creation of Standards of Material and Application that became the models for Global ISO Standards for these products.  We are proud of the work conducted by our SPF Task Group that over the past 40 years has created strong and robust standards to which Manufacturers, Contractors and Installers are held to comply with when selling and installing these products. 

We will work to populate this section in the coming days and weeks so that you have a full resource available to you.

Spray Foam Manufacturers in Canada

"CUFCA" is a non-profit organization. 
3202 Wharton Way, Mississauga, ON L4X 2C1

Phone: 1-866-GO-SPRAY